The San Antonio Area Foundation Funds Community-Focused Learning

Thanks to a grant from the San Antonio Area Foundation’s COVD-19 Response Fund, Youth Code Jam and Promesa Academy Charter School held four virtual camps during spring and summer of 2020. From food insecurity to keeping each other safe during a pandemic to recognizing and learning from each other’s differences, each camp took a major current event and presented it in a way students could engage with it and take something new from the camps. One of the highlights were community members who gave their time to share what they were doing to help their communities. At the end of the camps, students created a project [a virtual card, a Scratch program, a video, etc.] to show what they learned and their appreciation for those who help the community.

Click the images below to explore the projects from each camp by visiting the camp websites!

Caring for Our Community

Representing our Community

Feeding Our Community