Youth Code Jam

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A Quick Guide to Microsoft Makecode Arcade

What is Makecode Arcade?

At Youth Code Jam, we use a number of free software and tools to help our students learn how to code and use their imagination to be creative. One of these tools that we prefer to use is Microsoft Makecode Arcade. Makecode Arcade is essentially a free online code editor that anyone can use to create retro arcade games for the browser or/and handheld consoles.

Who can use Makecode Arcade?

Whether you are a beginner coder or you excel in code, anyone can pick up Makecode Arcade! There are a number of tutorials available on the homepage that range from very beginner to the more advanced. You can also start your games off using Block Code that works well for beginners and then move on to using JavaScript programming, which is a little more advanced.

Does Makecode Arcade offer lesson plans?

Makecode Arcade offers a variety of courses for teachers to use. Some of these courses include AP Computer Science Principles, Introduction to Computer Science with Makecaode Arcade, and GameGo Programming courses. They also offer an Educator’s Lounge where teachers, facilitators, and other forms of educators can discuss and share resources on Makecode Arcade.

What other things does Makecode Arcade offer?

Besides coding realtor games, Microsoft’s Makecode Arcade platform also offers course on DIY hardware making, such as how to make your own shoebox controller or arcade cabinet. You will also find lessons on how to use compatible technology with Makecode. For instance, if you have a micro:bit or a Meowbit, there are instructions on how to make the tech compatible with the programming. There’s also fun arts and crafts that Makecode offers instructions on, such as creating a LEGO bricks mural or a pixel art t-shirt.

In conclusion, Makecode Arcade is a great tool for kids, and adults, to learn how to use in a creative manner. There are a number of projecs and tutorials to choose from and once you get the hang of it, you’ll be the one creating projects for other people to use! Checkout Makecode Arcade today and tag us on social media to show us what you create today.